Ongoing Research

Dr. Guy Berard shared in his book, Hearing Equals Behavior, “The truth manages to emerge only when something new and unexpected can by fully exposed to study, discussion, and argument, and accepted or refuted on that basis.” Although In-Home Berard-based A.I.T. formal...
More books written by Annabel Stehli

More books written by Annabel Stehli

I encourage you to visit Annabel Stehli’s website “These purchases are considered a donation to the Institute.  It can be claimed as a tax-deductible contribution.  To purchase books, please contact Annabel Stehli, at the Georgiana...
The Sound of a Miracle By: Annabel Stehl

The Sound of a Miracle By: Annabel Stehl

The Sound of a Miracle is Annabel Stehli’s riveting story of her daughter Georgiana’s triumphant progress from autistic and functionally retarded to gifted. An intervention called Berard Auditory Integration Training cured Georgiana’s painful...