More books written by Annabel Stehli

I encourage you to visit Annabel Stehli’s website

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Dancing in the Rain edited by Annabel Stehli Price: $14.95   This is a collection of parents’ accounts of their children’s experiences with Berard Auditory Integration Training (AIT) and many different types of learning disabilities and conditions that include attention deficit disorder, dyslexia, hyperlexia, pervasive developmental delay, communication delay, central auditory processing disorder, fetal alcohol syndrome, and autism.  It was published in 1995, by the Georgiana Organization.

The Sound of Falling Snow is another more recent publication of AIT success testimonials.

It’s a TEAM Effort

  • Cheri Moore, B.S. Spec. Educ., MSW, Certified Berard Practitioner
  • Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists checking the health of the ear
  • Audiologists following standardized testing protocols in addition to Dr. Berard’s air conduction testing protocol
  • Developmental Optometrists and Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Optometrists completing comprehensive visual evaluations


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