Facts & Questions
How do I schedule an appointment with Cheri?
Call Cheri Moore at 757-615-9985 between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. (eastern time) Monday through Friday or schedule on Calendly.
Your initial phone conference is free!
Share concerns and ask questions. Duration approximately 30 minutes.
Why schedule a phone conference after you receive your Moore Auditory-Visual Questionnaire Report?
During your phone call, Cheri will help you gain a greater understanding of how to use your Moore Auditory-Visuall Report. Work with Cheri to plan next steps. Cheri’s follow-up email contains
- Summary of phone call with recommendations
- Names of audiologist(s) specializing in area of concern
- Decide on an in-home appointment for a CAPD screening evaluation–receive a letter summarizing findings & requesting hearing tests not normally completed during a routine hearing exam
- Ideas to provide emotional support/document
- Educational documents improve understanding of behaviors
- Letter of accommodations for school/work
- Link to schedule an appointment with an optometrist near you specializing in visual processing skills and evaluations
Email your Moore Auditory-Visual Questionnaire Report to Cheri, auditoryvisualprotocols@outlook.com, or request a phone conference on Calendly.
Does everyone receive a letter and referral to an audiologist specializing in their area of concerns?
During your phone conference, Cheri determines if additional assessments are necessary before writing a letter requesting hearing tests not normally completed during a routine hearing exam. Cheri provides contact information to an audiologist near your home after verifying the practice is able to complete recommended testing.
Can Cheri help me since I live far away?
Your Moore Auditory-Visual Questionnaire Report, history, phone calls, hearing test results, and MAvQ visual activities enable Cheri Moore to make testing and intervention recommendations. If needed, Cheri connects you with professionals near you helping you build a support team.
- Do you need a comprehensive visual evaluation?
- Do you need a letter requesting hearing tests not normally provided during a routine exam?
- Do you need a letter requesting academic or workplace accommodations?
- Do you need ideas to make environmental modifications at home?
- Do you need auditory integration training, vision therapy, etc…?
- Do you need hearing aids?
What do I bring to doctor appointment?
Take your Moore Auditory-Visual Questionnaire Report and letter provided by Cheri. Cheri reviews your medical history and other related areas to help prepare you for appointments.
Preparing for your first visit with Cheri.
To assist in making your first visit with Cheri Moore more time efficient please email or bring:
- Moore Auditory-Visual Report
- Old or new hearing tests
- Any documentation relating to a diagnosis
- Any I.E.P. or 504 accommodation
- Completed new patient paperwork (emailed)
- Signed Medical Release Form (link)
How do I share hearing and visual test results with Cheri?
Complete and sign a Medical Records Release Form at each doctor’s office to facilitate:
- Collaboration regarding your care
- Fax test results to Cheri Moore (757-937-8830)
Why sign Cheri’s medical release document?
Singing the medical release gives Cheri permission to contact and collaborate with your doctors. For example, the following professionals often help children with learning disabilities: audiologists, optometrist specializing in visual processing skills, teachers, and therapist through emails and phone conversations.
Hearing and visual processing test results are used to develop:
- Your Auditory Integration Training Program
- Your Auditory-Visual Training Protocol when test results show both auditory concerns and visual processing concerns.
- Download Release Form
Does everyone complete an auditory integration training program?
No, not everyone is a good candidate for auditory integration training.
Auditory Integration Training is recommended when an individual’s hearing test results confirm lack of tolerance to sounds, hearing loss, poor right ear advantage, or central auditory processing deficits.
Not everyone is able to begin intervention with auditory integration training when there are also visual processing deficits.
Who provides auditory integration training when the client lives out of state?
Out-of-state clients choose to receive help either from an iLS provider (national search link) near them or travel to meet with Cheri and learn how to complete training in the comfort of their home.
Do I need pre-authorization from my primary care physician?
You should check with your insurance to determine if a referral is necessary for your auditory testing, your ENT appointment, and comprehensive vision exam. If your insurance requires a pre-authorization, then you must get referrals from your Primary Care Physician. Use your Moore Auditory-Visual Report to help communicate your concerns and request referrals.
Should I drive home after completing my comprehensive hearing or visual processing tests?
It is helpful to have someone who lives with you, a loved one, or a best friend drive you home from your appointment. During your appointment, loved ones and friends can provide their insights, listen, and even take notes. Amazingly, love one unconsciously change their behaviors to accommodate their loved one’s hearing loss.
Concussion clients and clients with sound intolerance often feel mentally fatigued, may develop a headache, or experience blurred vision (normally resolves before you leave the building). Driving is NOT recommended after testing.
What other services are provided by Cheri?
If Cheri does not know the answer to your question, she will work hard to find the answer. Cheri provides help in numerous areas.
- Counseling
- Learning to shop and cook gluten free and/or milk free
- Curriculum help and teaching strategies
- IEP and 504 letters of accommodation (Cheri attends meeting when available)
Are services provided by Cheri covered by insurance?
Unfortunately, Cheri must first earn her clinical license to cover the cost of counseling, provision of resources, referrals, and collaboration. Auditory Integration Training is not covered by insurance. Clients are able to use their Healthcare Savings Plan.
Learn about monthly payment plans.
Does insurance cover hearing aids?
It is client’s responsibility to call their insurance provider to check for hearing aid coverage. Insurance typically covers the cost of hearing aids for children under the age of 21 and older adults age 65, and older.
Cheri provides resources for financial help from organizations for low income clients.
I need help paying for hearing aids. Can Cheri help?
Yes, Cheri has the name of organizations that help cover the cost of hearing aids. If glasses are also recommended, the Lions’s Club assist low income individuals with one pair of glasses.

It's a TEAM effort!
- Cheri Moore, B.S. Spec. Educ., MSW, Certified Berard Practitioner
- Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists checking the health of the ear
- Audiologists following standardized testing protocols in addition to Dr. Berard’s air conduction testing protocol
- Developmental Optometrists and Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Optometrists completing comprehensive visual evaluations
FDA Statement On AIT
"Auditory Integration Training remediates impairments in auditory discrimination (sound sensitivity and auditory distortion) associated with Autism, Learning Disabilities, and related disorders - ADD, ADHD, CAPD (Central Auditory Processing Deficits), SPD (Sensory Processing Disorder), Dyslexia."
Are you ready to complete the Moore Auditory-Visual Questionnaire?
Discover what questions to ask and what to observe during visual activities.
Complete the questionnaire to receive your Auditory-Visual Report.