Cheri Moore’s Bio

Hello, my name is Cheri Moore. As a special education teacher, I was unprepared for the struggles I encountered as I taught my youngest daughter who was later diagnosed with dyslexia, which affected her ability to process information she heard in addition to difficulty maintaining single, clear vision while attempting to read. I knew something was preventing her from working at her level of intelligence. (I encourage you to read posted article on website, Auditory and Visual Dyslexia.)

Likewise, my son struggled with speech fluency and handwriting. He was later diagnosed with attention deficits with hyperactivity and visual processing depth perception difficulties. (In 2019, I will share research concerning ADHD.)

My work with numerous families, successful intervention, training, and mentoring by audiologist and developmental optometrist culminated in the discovery of co-existing auditory and visual dysfunctions prompting me to complete my master’s program in clinical social work with an emphasis in family intervention. Clinical social work programs have a strong emphasis in research providing me with the tools I needed to learn how to share my experiences with families and clients in addition to learning how to build an effective questionnaire. (In 2019, I will share preliminary field data. With future client’s help, I hope to complete a retrospective study to help us learn more about the patterns of co-existing auditory and visual dysfunctions with and without hearing loss and sound intolerance.)

Have you ever thought about the fact that children are innately curious, they love to learn. When they struggle to learn, it is time to learn the “why” behind their difficulties. Struggling learners need more help than environmental and academic modifications.  Medications are often a Band-Aid, which allows them to cope with dysfunctions in their visual and auditory processing systems.  I have the privilege of working with and being mentored by doctors who assess visual processing skills, what the brain does with what is seen. Equally important, I have been mentored by a hearing aid instrument specialist who patiently taught me during these last eight years. I also learned much while working with a research audiologist, doctor of audiology, and an audiologist specializing in Central Auditory Processing Deficit (a hidden hearing loss) to help my clients receive comprehensive hearing evaluations and sometimes a hearing aid. 

What does the brain do with what is seen and heard?  

Past clients’ test results showed co-existing auditory dysfunctions like sound intolerance with or without hearing loss in addition to visual difficulties in areas like binocular deficits (inability to use both eyes together for clear, single vision close up and/or far away) negatively affecting visual processing skills like reading comprehension.

Equally important, past clients were also anxious, suffered emotional distress, and struggled to learn. Research shows auditory and visual processing difficulties are not due to an I.Q. deficit; however, they prevent a person from working at one’s level of intelligence.

An unexpected and encouraging finding in both studies below was the confirmation of no significant differences in intelligence among participants with and without APD and/or dyslexia (Iliadou, 2009; Yalcinkaya 2009). These results provide strong evidence that the existence of APD is often found in individuals with learning disabilities.

A study in Greece screened 127 children referred by psychologists and speech pathologists (Iliadou, Bamiou, Kaprinis, Kandylis, Kaprinis, 2009). Researchers organized multiple assessments to evaluate children suspected of having specific learning disabilities and auditory processing disorder (screened by audiologists) (Iliadou, 2009). Researchers diagnosed 55 children (43.3{10e39b317d9d3b3a7ace94bd2cffbbf2fc28913bf703f4bf53b4292cbe69ad0b}) with APD and 28 out of these 55 children were also found to have dyslexia (Iliadou, 2009).

A similar study conducted by Yalcinkaya, Muluk, and Sahin revealed statistically significant positive correlations between diagnosis of APD and deficits in the following language tasks: listening, speaking, reading, and writing (2009).

Have you thought about the fact that children rarely outgrow academic struggles? As one matures or ages, a person developed coping and avoidance behaviors. The more intelligent the child, the more they feel the frustrations of not being able to work at their level of intelligence.  Unidentified struggles and the continuous stress often leads to negative behaviors to relax (drugs, drinking, using highly caffeinated beverages) and emotional consequences like depression during their youth.  

The Moore Auditory-Visual Questionnaire helps individuals obtain hearing tests not normally completed during a routine hearing exam and open the door of conversation about their visual experiences.

My background in visual/motor, special education, and auditory processing dysfunctions provides a unique blend of intervention and resources along with my passion for research; thus the “Moore” in Auditory Integration Training. Learning is never ending due to the unique nature of each person. My goal is to help each client through medical testing and intervention to improve their quality of life: emotionally, socially, vocationally, and academically.

Cheri Moore is a certified Berard Auditory Integration Training Practitioner, license in Virginia as a Special Education Teacher, and is looking forward to completing her social work internship for licensing as a social worker. Cheri Moore completed Dianne Craft’s class, Brain Integration Training, at Colorado University. 

She may be contacted on her cell 757-615-9985 or by Email

It’s a TEAM Effort

  • Cheri Moore, B.S. Spec. Educ., MSW, Certified Berard Practitioner
  • Ear, Nose and Throat Specialists checking the health of the ear
  • Audiologists following standardized testing protocols in addition to Dr. Berard’s air conduction testing protocol
  • Developmental Optometrists and Neuro-Optometric Rehabilitation Optometrists completing comprehensive visual evaluations


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